..::SoSo - Bachelors Drinking Club::..

Posted by Arnie | Posted in , , | Posted on 9:57 PM

(DVD) Clothes Horse Records CHR013-LE, 2007-05-16

01. Conversation with soso
02. Bachelors Drinking Club road music
03. soso & Maybe Smith - Returning to an Empty House
04. soso & Maybe Smith - Finding Out About a Big Pile of Stones
05. soso & Maybe Smith - Hungover for Three Days Straight (Don’t Matter)
06. soso & Maybe Smith - Sweet Euphemisms
07. Epic - Another Left Wing Peace Song
08. Epic - Dave Steib
09. Gruf - Process Assimilate
10. Gruf - Fillossaphee
11. Pip Skid - Bastid’s Verse
12. Pip Skid - Elbow Grease
13. Nestor Wynrush
14. Bleubird - Pilgrim of St. Zotique
15. Grubbs - War Drum
16. Thesis Sahib - What Kind of a Rap Photography Show is This?
17. Thesis Sahib - Inside Voices
18. Thesis Sahib - Theo Sasquatch
19. Thesis Sahib - Mud Pies
20. Maybe Smith Thanks the Drake Hotel (in its empty glory)
21. Hungover for Three Days Straight (Don’t Matter) music video

SoSo was touring in places like Saskatoon, Winniepeg, London, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal during 2006 and has taped some of his performances for a DVD release. The movie being introduced by SoSo giving us his thoughts and belives to why he's an artist and produce his kind of music. The live part starts out with SoSo on the mic & decks and Maybe Smith on the synth & guitar. After that canadian indie-rap heads like Epic, Bleubird, Gruf the Druid, Grubbs, Nestor Wynrush, Pip Skid and Thesis Sahib appers. This release is a raritie and will stay so in its limitation of just 100 copies.

Canadien hip-hop is growing better than ever. We have Bully Records..and now we have Clothes Horse Records. Good work SoSo!